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July 6, 2011

Blog Button

So I hopped on the band wagon and tried to make a blog button. I'm not quite sure why they are so popular when they are such a pain in the keister, but I think I finally managed a good first try. (We're not going to talk about the fact it took me seven tries to get the size close to right.) Any ways. Thank you Ladybug for helping me piece the start together. Once I learn how to share it, I will let you know. But that seems to be an adventure for another day. Props to Mrs. Saoud for helping me figure out how to share it. See her genius tutorial at work here.


  1. Madison. I hava a post on how to create a button under my technology label. Use the code provided in my post with the website that is hosting your Learn, Laugh, Live, Love button. This will give you a code for the "grab".

    Primary Graffiti

  2. Glad you found the post!

