I married a computer programmer, I grew up on comic books, and it is National Inventors Month. You know I had to throw some thing nerdy into the mix right?
Did anyone else think the landing of the
Curiosity is amazing? I love sharing exciting news like this with my class. I've always been intrigued with Mars. I can't wait to see what new things we discover. Do you have any boys or girls who want to explore space? Any great books you love? Make sure you link up to my s
cience book linky party. I would love to add more science books to my collection. :)
And while we are talking about planets let me direct you to the Down Under Teacher who has a Free Planet Hop Board Game that would be perfect to practice reading and spelling -oi and -oy words. The best part is you can easily make your own review cards for another subject and use the board again and again.
Just rented John Carter this last weekend. I want to read the book now. All things nerdy at my house. Gamer/programmer husband...
The Idea Backpack
Thanks for the shout out! I'm glad you like the game, it's always a hit in my class!
Down Under Teacher