Growing up I hated Valentine's Day. My family usually called it
SAD. Single Awareness Day. But then I met my husband and had a class of little second graders and my thoughts happily changed. While I realize Valentine's Day is popular for the over priced roses and chocolates that is not why I celebrate it. I celebrate it because it gives me the opportunity to express my love to others. (I will happily receive chocolate and roses on any other day. My husband knows not to get me them on Valentines. It is WAY too expensive.)
As you know, one of my favorite things is reading. I wanted to share some of my favorite books about love with you. Feel free to peruse them.

A Book of Hugs
This book has adorable illustrations and explains different ways to hug. I can't wait to share it with my little man. This one went over a lot better with my second graders than
A Book of Kisses. I like that one too, but it will make your kids silly.

Guess How Much I Love You
This book is a classic. It is perfect for illustrating similes You could even have the children write their own version for their parents or special valentines.

Bear Hugs: Romantically Ridiculous Animal Rhymes
I loved using the short poems in this to help with transitions, as a small reward, or even a short time filler. After reading it you could inspire the poets in your class to write a poem from a different animal's perspective.
Fun for First also came up with an excellent list which you can find
I love sharing books! And I really love
Farley's Currently Parties. Check out what is new in my world.
My husband fell in love with Imagine Dragons and I quickly followed suit. Listening to them makes me happy.
We've been fighting the rain recently. Right now the sun is shining and I am almost convinced to go for a walk.
I want to send some "love notes" to people who have made an impact on my life. If you were to write a note, who would you write?
We moved this summer and I still don't feel like I have found a new friend. I have several new acquaintances but no one who really fits. Blech.
The price of stamps went up. I need to buy some more one cent stamps so I can send off my love notes. Snail mail is so much more fun than digital.
I HATE comment verification forms. Why do they have to make the letters all squiggly? I almost always mess up. I promise I am human. I can't leave a fun comment if your comment guardian rejects me so many times I give it. Trust me. It happens. At least once a week.
I also HATE people who smoke next to children. You are ruining their lungs and setting them on the path to developing a terrible habit. Enough said.
How are you preparing for Valentine's day? Who are you planning on showering with love?