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July 14, 2011


I am a new teacher who recently graduated from college and is ready to try new things. I think I forgot that last year. I followed district directions and used the language arts and math programs with "fidelity." I tried to add flavor to stories and depth with authors studies. I tried to make math interactive and bring in games. And I am starting to realize while it was a good start, I could do better. So in an effort to make myself a better parent and teacher in the future I am continuing to learn and grow. I think it is the life-long learning approach in me.

This summer my whole view of teaching has been changed by books and blogs that I have been reading.

I LOVED The Book Whisperer by Donalyn Miller and recommend it to everyone. It changes you for the better. If you are interested in reading some simple summaries or my reactions feel free to click over to Book Whisperer on the left hand side under topics or just click here. However, I recommend you check the book out yourself. Everyone I know that has read it has fallen in love.

I also enjoyed reading portions of Debbie Miller's Math Work Stations. (I have yet to buckle down and read the whole thing. I just love learning about reading a little bit more.) If you are interested in checking this one out for yourself or looking into some other great bloggers ideas click here.

I continue to learn by checking out various books from the library as well. Have to love that the books are free and that they have air conditioning. I hope to share some of my insights about teaching in posts to come. I just finished reading Rafe Esquith's Teach Like Your Hair is on Fire so stay tuned for some great ideas.

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