11. Favorite movie
Tintin - It was gorgeous and I loved the detail. I also loved how true they were to the characters I grew up with reading about.
10. TV Series
This one was difficuly because I actually watch a lot of TV. I watch TV when I fold laundry, blog, make dinner, and especially when I am waiting for my hubby to come home. Castle made the top of the list because it includes two of my favorite things, murder and brilliant people. I also love Numbers, Warehouse 13, Grimm, Once Upon a Time, and Iron Chef. (Just to name a few.)
9. Restaurant
Zupas - Amazing! I will pick this over anything else. Best salads and soups I have ever had. My hubby loves their sandwiches too.
8. New thing I tried
Just Dance 1, 2 and 3! I love getting together with friends and family for a dance off. I even managed to beat Hubby and my two sisters (who have a lot more rhythm than me) on a couple of dances. :)
7. Gift I received
Disneyland at Christmastime with my husband on our anniversary. I loved the Haunted Mansion! The Nightmare before Christmas has always held a special place in my heart.
6. Pin
I need this in my home. But the OCD part of me can not stand that it doesn't begin with a capital letter on this poster.
5. Blog post
Are you sparkling? One of my favorite quotes!
4. Accomplishment
Selling a product on Teachers Pay Teachers and Teachers Notebook. I did a happy dance around the house! I promise.
3. Picture
I hate photos of my self. So finding a cute picture is quite difficult. I settled for obnoxious. Here is my handsome husband and I right before we went zip-lining. I won't judge you if you snicker.
2. Memory
Meeting some of my favorite California bloggers over winter break! I promise to post more about this, I have just been crazy busy.
1. Goals
I have too many goals to pick just one so see my previous post here.
You can join the linky party HERE. It is hosted by the two amazing women on front left side of the picture above. Now you can put a face with the awesome blogs these lovely ladies write. The Teeny Tiny Teacher is the cute blonde and Miss Kindergarten is the cute brunette sitting right behind her.