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February 19, 2012

I let my guard down

Why is it whenever I am about to have a day off I get horribly sick? Does this happen to anyone else out there? As a new teacher I must have the weakest immune system ever. One day I will be super woman and germ free. (At least that is what I hope.) Until then the cycle will probably continue. Blech!

In happier news I have been working and you should see some new ideas soon. They are not quite ready yet. But I have a short vowel game, a mini money unit, and a sight word game in the works. It all kind of depends on what I am motivated to finish first. :) Does anyone else have the same conundrum? Anyone interested in a particular item? Let me know.


  1. I am excited to see your short vowel game!

    I ALWAYS get sick after there is a long period of time when I am working to the bone...then the moment I rest, I get sick! NO FUN!

    Apples and ABC's

    1. I made sure to finish it just for you. I hope you enjoy the freebies I created. :)

  2. Hope you feel better soon!

  3. That happens to me all the time. And germ-free is the best super-power ever! I never even thought of that. Feel better soon!

    Sara :)
    Smiling In Second Grade

  4. This has been one sick year for my school too! I haven't ever been this sick not my first year never!!! I hope you are feeling better now!

